My experience in MakingDevs
How did I get in?
To enter MakingDevs I had an interview with two colleagues where they asked me some questions about my technical knowledge and skills. In addition, they proposed a typical algorithm which is the following
FizzBuzz Test
Write a program that displays the numbers from 1 to 100, substituting the multiples of 3 for the word “fizz”, the multiples of 5 for “buzz” and the multiples of both, that is, the multiples of 3 and 5 ( or 15), by the word “fizzbuzz”. In this case I used Ruby:
for i in 1..100 do
if i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0
puts "fizzbuzz"
elsif i % 3 == 0
puts "fizz"
elsif i % 5 == 0
puts "buzz"
puts i
What I have learned
Since I joined MakingDevs I have learned not only about programming, but also about discipline and values that help us progress day by day, for example, teamwork, being constant, being self-taught, etc.
Something that I loved learning and that is really useful is the “Daily”, it is a way of expressing in a concrete way what I did yesterday, what I will do today and the problems I have had, below I show an example:
# What did I do yesterday?
- I was advancing the exercises of Exercism (Ruby), Project Euler (Groovy) and Advent of Code (Ruby).
- I was reviewing the Ruby courses of the Pragmatic Studio.
- I was reading a bit of the Agile Web Development with Rails 6 book.
- I went to Kueski's Daily, we talked a little about what was being done, I already told them that the Merchant Group contract had ended so they could check it out.
- They have already tested my endpoint setting to search by id and name parab Account, it is ready to deploy as well as the Merchant Group contract task.
- I took another task to update the Account contract, the guys already reviewed it, apparently I only have to check the update part.
- I continue advancing the Kueski courses that we must finish this month, I have already completed 8 of 27, the good thing is that some are short.
# What will I do today?
- Enter a meeting with the boys so that we can see what tasks we can do from the backlog.
- Enter Kueski's Daily and check the progress.
- Advance the exercises of Exercism, Project Euler and Advent of Code in Ruby and upload what I am doing to my repositories.
- Continue reviewing the Pragmatic Studio courses on Ruby to practice it more.
- Continue reading the Agile Web Development with Rails 6 book.
- Provide whatever is needed with the Finca Arriaga and ItOwl websites.
- Wait for them to tell me if something needs to be modified in the Account contract and, if necessary, adjust it.
- Check what other task I can support (pull some of the backlog) in this sprint.
- Advance the courses that Kueski sent us for October.
# What problems did I have?
- None at the moment.
It is a really simple and concrete text, but with it the team can see how you are doing and what they can support you with.
The software apprentice
I had the opportunity to read a text prepared by my mentor José Juan Reyes Zuñiga, who helped me along this path, from things as simple as investing in myself, to methods and methodologies. I really think that if you would like to learn a bit about how to learn software I recommend reading it.